Thursday, October 22, 2009

I love a good exercise challenge

So some of you that know me know that I have been a gym rat and totally addicted to exercise for many years. I love the way it makes me feel and, I'm not gonna lie, the outward appearance isn't bad either. I've even competed in several figure and fitness competitions and, though the prep is difficult, the outcome is beautiful. Since my second child my workout world has come crashing down around me. Between swimming lessons, tumbling, preschool, my Pampered Chef business and nap schedules the gym has been a tough place to get to and get a work out in. I used to have a work out room in my house, but it was replaced by a nursery with the arrival of little Harper Today I started an at home program called P90X. Since I'll be leaving town for four days this afternoon I decided not to start the program from the beginning, but to do the yoga DVD first. It's an hour and a half and I only made it through 45 minutes....I love yoga, but it is not for the weak minded individual. It was tough, I sweated, I can barely type this message right now, but I feel awesome. Here's where I'll bring my kids in to this post. I love that I live a healthy lifestyle. I love that we eat healthy (for the most part), I love that my kids see me exercise and I love that Sydney has asked me on multiple occasions if we can go run (and she can run really far for her's very impressive). My concern is and has always been to make sure and keep this healthy for them and not be so focused on the outward appearance of exercise and healthy options making them "skinny" as opposed to "fat", but making them healthy. It's amazing to me that the media has already gotten to my 4 year old. I've never uttered the words "fat" or "skinny" in front of her....I know you are thinking, "in all her 4 1/2 years of life, with your gym rat background you've never said fat or skinny????" It's true...I'm very aware of it and we don't discuss it...yet, she knows exactly what it means. She even says to me "I want to exercise so I don't weigh a lot of pounds one day" did we get here? How will I make my children understand that beauty is only skin deep - I guess it starts with me and being comfortable in my own skin.....something I have struggled with for years and continue to do so...but I'm working on it....for my girls.

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