Monday, October 25, 2010

Good Friends, Good Food and, in a few weeks, good wine again

As I get older I learn the importance of good, strong friendships. I have GREAT friends that I have only known a short time in my life, I had friendships that I thought would be around FOREVER that the relationship has disintegrated because of divorce. I have friends that I lost touch with and now have reconnected with. There are friends that I can go months without talking too, yet when we pick up the phone - it's as though we spoke yesterday. I love that I can call my husband my best friend. I love that my mom is on my list of best girlfriends. I love that my "best friend" from junior high.....still has "best friend" status. I love that as a mature adult, you learn the importance of good friends and you learn what a true friend really is.

Last weekend we visited friends in Maumelle, AR. We met these friends shortly after moving to Little Rock. Aaron met Ben flying and I met Alyssa because Aaron and Ben became friends. When we met we were in the same place in life - pretty newly married with no kids. Seven years later, a lot has happened. We both have two children; Aaron and I have another one on the way (I'm still holding out for Ben and Alyssa and a third); our kids are very close in age and play very well together; we've all changed jobs; Aaron, Ben and Alyssa have all lost a parent; life has happened.

Ben was fantastic when Aaron's dad passed away. He drove 4 hours to come to the funeral to be there for Aaron. He later sent an email giving Aaron some amazing words and advice. One of the things Aaron said after his dad passed was that you think you know who your true friends are....then something tragic happens and you find out who they really are. Your true friends are the ones who call and check on you knowing there is nothing to say, but just being there to listen. Your true friends are the ones who drive 4 hours to go to a funeral of a man he only met once - because this man's son was important to you.

Alyssa is such a joy to be around. We always have SOOO much to talk about - yet we can never finish a conversation because we are constantly interrupted by small children. I hope 15 years from now we are visiting each other and discussing how the kids are doing in college. I am grateful for her friendship.

This past weekend I was able to spend time with some other very good friends. Where I have only known Ben and Alyssa for 7 short years, I have known Holly and Kelly Our dads were in the navy together and were stationed together all over the country. They met in California. Holly and my older brother, Keith, were born in the same hospital in Idaho Falls, ID a yearish apart, I came 2 years later and Kelly, 3 years after that. Our families settled in Russellville when Keith was 7, Holly 6, me 4 and Kelly 1. We spent family Christmases and Thanksgivings together. Some of my fondest memories include the Edington family - Sliding down the stairs in their house on our butts, sliding sock footed on the kitchen floor, "bolster bash" (a ridiculously fun made up game where the older two teamed up against the younger two and it ALWAYS ended in a fight and the visiting family deciding it was time to leave...always), hide and seek in the dark - the list goes on and on. As we grew up and all went to college we grew apart. Holly and Kelly's parents began to move around as Randy worked up the ladder. My parents have loved calling Russellville home and never wanted to leave. Holly and Kelly went off to college, Keith and I stayed close to home. There was probably a 10 year period that we didn't see or talk to the Edingtons more than once or twice a year. Now, all the kids are grown, married and have children of our own (almost all of us). I have LOVED reconnecting with Holly and Kelly again. My kids love Kelly. They love going to see her at her place of work because now we live close to each other again. I love chatting with Holly about the joys (and tough parts) of motherhood. I love that when Holly visits from North Carolina I'm on the list of peeps to call and have lunch with.

As I thought today about this blog entry, my thoughts went back to my kids (cause that's where they always go) and I couldn't help but look forward to seeing their friendships throughout life blossom. I love that I have friends that I've only had a short time and I know will be around for a very long time. I love that I have friends that I've had my whole life. I love that Michele, who I have called my best friend since 8th grade, I still refer to as "my best friend". I love that the man I've chosen to spend the rest of my life with is my true best friend. Between the weekend with the Andersons and the weekend with the Edingtons, I laughed a.lot, I had a ton of fun, and I gained a whole new appreciation for the value of good friends.

My sweet babies: Cherish your friendships, be sure you find those special girlfriends(and guy friends, Rem) and love each other - I hope we raise you so that your siblings are your greatest cheerleaders and included in your list of best friends. I wish for you the Micheles, Alyssas, Bens, Hollys and Kellys. I hope you have friends that you can get together with in your 30s and laugh until you pee your pants about "bolster bash". I wish for you a life full of awesome friends and I hope your dad and I are far up on that list and that you can say one day, "my mom is one of my very best friends".

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