Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm really doing this!

Wow!! I've wanted to blog for a while, but just haven't mustered up the courage....what if no one reads it? what if no one cares? what if people think it's stupid? what if, like many things in my life, I start it and never do much with it?......these were all questions that I couldn't get out of my head. But I decided to jump anyway. The title of this blog is really why I started it.....I have the most amazing and hilarious kids ever. Every time I told a story about Sydney, my oldest, someone would say to me "You really should write this stuff down" I am - and I only thought that it would be fitting to name my blog for the reason I started.
Let me start by telling you a little about myself. My name is Courtney. I am 32 years old and am married to a very amazing man named Aaron. He completes me. He is an introvert, I am an extrovert. He is a saver, I am a spender. He can be quick to anger, I have learned over the years to take it all in and process it before I get too angry. He is a planner, I'm somewhat more spontaneous....but there is one thing we have in common....We love our family...all of them. We each have our flaws, we all struggle in our lives, we don't always agree with everyone's decisions, but at the end of the day we are family...and there's nothing more important than that.
We have two amazing daughters. Sydney is 4 and Harper is 1. They are hilarious! I wish I could say that I love and cherish EVERY single moment with them, but like many mothers out there, I take our time on this earth for granted. I don't spend as much quality time with them as I should, I lose patience a little quicker than I should and I frequently feel like I just didn't do the job of "mothering" justice in a day. But, I am real. I'm a real mom who stays home with her kids and sometimes goes a little crazy. Yet....when I think of the alternative I run as fast as I can and hold on to them tight because frankly, I cannot imagine this life without them. There is nothing like the love from a child. It is unconditional. There are days that when it's all said and done I just want to start all over and be the better mother that I know I can be and then my little girl wraps her 4 year old arms around me and says "you are the best mommy in the whole world"... that, my friends, is what makes it all worth it. It's what gets me out of bed in the morning and makes me want to do my part to make this world a better girls.
So...I hope that this blog is real and funny....and really funny to some of you. I hope that it allows me to chronicle our lives in a fashion that I should have been doing for the last 4 1/2 years. I hope that my friends and family can log on and read about what amazing and hilarious things my kids are saying these days and I hope that 5 years from now when someone says to me "You really should write this stuff down" I can say, "I have least once a week...for the last 5 years." I hope that when my kids get married I can print this out, bind it and allow them to relive a little bit of their childhood. I hope when they have kids this will be a place they can look at to compare their lives with the lives of their children. I hope I stick with this for many many moons and it is rewarding for myself and the rest of my family


  1. I am proud to say that I am the first to comment on your new endeavor! Maybe my comments to your blog can be my own way of blogging!!! Can't wait to read more!

  2. I can't wait to read stories about my granchildren & of course you, Aaron & Sadie (we can't leave her out)!!! Courtney you are a good mother & I'm very proud that you are my daughter-in-law!!! Keep up the good work !!!!

  3. Courtney
    Good luck in this decision of yours. It will be so rewarding in the years to come. That is the reason I wrote my memoirs a couple years ago, as I enjoy re-reading them occasionally. I can read all day about those precious girls and your sweet family. You are a great mother and you have a wonderful husband and I love to read all about your lives. Love you Mi Mi

  4. So excited you are blogging!!! :) Look forward to reading more! Hugs! Briana
