Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Elf on the Shelf!

Last year we purchased The Elf on The Shelf. It was so much fun! Sydney adored him and couldn't wait to see what kind of shenanigans he got in to every night. If you are unaware of the story here it is in a nutshell: It's a small Elf that sits around your house and watches the kids. He flies back to the North Pole every night to report to Santa about the kids' behavior. At our house, Ice Cream can really get into trouble - last year he tried to bake cookies for Santa and made a huge mess with the flour canister - that's where we found him too...stuck in the flour canister. We also found him trapped in the blinds - must have gotten stuck there while flying back in through the window. He always comes back with a note from Santa telling what the kids are doing great with and what they need to work on on a little more. About every 3rd note, he reminds us about the real reason for the season and how important it is to show love year round not just at Christmas.

This year I couldn't wait to get Ice Cream out. I had big plans to bring him out the day after Thanksgiving...when we decorated the house. Well - I forgot and when I finally remembered to get him out (The Sunday after Thanksgiving) I couldn't find him!!! I looked everywhere, to no avail. Tuesday I went right out and bought another one with the intention of setting him out Tuesday night. I forgot. Today is Thursday. I forgot to set him out again last night, but remembered while the girls were in the bathroom. I raced to the closet, ripped him out of the box and ran out and set him in the Christmas tree. When Sydney finally noticed, her first response was "where's our note telling us how awesome we've been this year?"....Crap! She's at school now. Below is the note that I typed out, took outside and rubbed dirt on it - he dropped it coming in last night....silly Ice Cream! Let the Christmas Elf fun begin!!!!

Dear Sydney, Harper and Remington:

What a fantastic year you have had. I am pleased about your behavior and look forward to updates from Ice Cream about how well you continue to behave in this month before Christmas.

Sydney - Ice Cream reports that you are doing a fabulous job in Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class, listening well and mostly using your manners. Be sure you keep up the Yes ma'ams and No ma'ams with your teachers. I'm proud of what a wonderful big sister you continue to be and I'm proud of the little girl you are growing up to be. Good Job

Harper - Ice Cream reports to me that you recently pee peed on the potty!!! Great Job Harper! That is wonderful news. You keep that up and you might find big girl panties in your stocking on Christmas morning!
Harper I am also very proud about the great job you are doing at being a big sister to little Remington. I can't believe how well you are already doing (I think you've had a pretty good teacher in your big sister Sydney). I love watching you take the pacifier to Remington when he's fussy. I love seeing you give him your shirt when he's upset. I know how important that shirt is to you and I'm very proud of you for sharing. Here is what I would like for you to work on. I want you to try to listen to mommy and daddy better. Do what they ask you to do the first time. That's important.

Remington - Keep sleeping, little guy! You are making mommy and daddy very happy.

For all of you: Please remember what Christmas is truly about. This is a season to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We give gifts as a symbol of the wise men bringing gifts, but let's also remember to share love.

I'll be getting updates from Ice Cream on a nightly basis. Keep up the great work and work on those things I asked you too.

Santa Clause

If you have kids and you haven't invested in an Elf on the Shelf, I highly recommend it! It's fun and it keeps them on their toes, for sure!

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