Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Life with 3 - I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

Wow! Two weeks ago tomorrow we became a family of 5. As I have heard stated from a friend of mine's sister "we can't play man to man any more, must switch to zone defense". I have also heard people say, "going from 2 kids to 3 is the hardest transition....after that it's pretty easy to add to the family"- Unless God has serious other plans I will never know if that is a true statement. Here are pieces of knowledge I have garnered in the last 13 days.
1) My house will never be clean again
2) My 2 year old can only handle so much of me holding baby brother before she spontaneously combusts in to a serious temper tantrum
3) My 5 year old just may be getting lost in the mix because she's SOOO well behaved
4) It's possible Sydney may never be on time to school for the rest of her life
5) The dinner hour just became exponentially harder with the addition of a newborn
6) In a matter of a few weeks I will be able to do a report on the evils of chicken nuggets on a nightly basis on children under the age of 5
7) The baby likes to snack.....unless I only have 10 minutes to feed and then he likes to nurse for half an hour to get good and full.....Murphy's Law
8) My to do lists are going to have to be shortened to a maximum of 5 things a day for the next several weeks
9) I changed my mind, I don't like the travel aspect of my husband's job...oh wait, he's a pilot - can't quite get around that.
10) And finally - if the dog makes it another 6 months in this house it will be a sheer miracle.

On the upside, I stated before that I could not wait to see the new dynamic this little guy would bring to our house, and though a lot of that remains to be seen, we already feel so complete with his presence. As crazy as life just feels right.

Thank you God for blessing me with a 3rd reason to blow off the dishes and snuggle instead. Thank you for 5 year old bedtime stories, for 2 year old tickle wars and for 2 week old rooting and snuggling. Thank you for my dirty house, for my stressed out husband, for chicken nuggets and for thunderstorms that bring my older two running into our room at night for comfort from the storm. Will the world hear me complaining time and time again? Probably. But, in the great scheme of things I know that I wouldn't trade a single second of my life for anything.

Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Courtney! I loved reading this! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into a Party of Five. Sounds crazy amazing. :)
