Monday, October 11, 2010

Preservatives, Whole Foods, Healthy Stuff etc.

I like to be healthy. I know how to enjoy good food, good wine and a good lazy day, but all in all when I'm healthy I just feel right. I have a bad habit of not keeping up with an exercise routine while I am pregnant. With my first two I was S-I-C-K! I would try to get on the treadmill only to end up running to the bathroom and losing whatever I had managed to keep down that day. By the time the 15th or 16th week rolled around and I was no longer sick, I was just out of the habit and it was SOOO hard to get back in. You see, I'm just like everyone else - it's hard for me to find that love for exercise again once I've lost it, the difference is that I remember so clearly how it felt that I'm anxious to find it again. With both pregnancies I was back in the gym very quickly and back in pre-pregnancy clothes by about the 2nd month after delivery. I have always envisioned myself having a whole foods, preservative free, homemade everything lifestyle for my kids. I've done ok, but this pregnancy has thrown me for a loop. I haven't been sick, just tired. I have been low on patience and on edge. Sydney started kindergarten which has changed our schedule dramatically, Harper doesn't sleep and I am in constant discomfort. My husband travels and is gone A.Lot and frankly, my dreams of super healthy foods for my kids have gone out the window. So, Sydney, Harper and Remington: When you read this years from now consider this your apology blog. Right now you think Pop Tarts, Chicken Nuggets, Sausage wrapped in pancake on a stick, corn dogs, swiss cake rolls and the like is really cool. I think it totally stinks, but I'm in a downward spiral of needing things to be easy around here. I am sorry for filling you with crap! Sugar, Preservatives and just plain easy....I apologize. My hope is to get all my ducks in a row sometime in the next 6 months and figure out how to do this mommy thing with 3 kids and a preservative free kitchen. In the meantime, I hope you are not physically scarred from the crap I am feeding you and that one day you will reap the benefits of a life full of whole foods, exercise and awesome health.

The End.

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