Friday, October 8, 2010


This post finds me in deep prayer for a friend of mine from high school who I also worked with for a couple of years. Her grandmother taught my Sunday school class for about 3 years and she is, to date, one of my favorite grannies on the planet.

Avie, this friend of mine, is in labor as we speak with her little boy, Harrison. He is about 29 weeks gestation so the outcome could go either way. The kicker? About 3 years ago Avie was pregnant with a little girl and had to give birth around 25 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. Baby Girl Hardin lived for 78 minutes. Avie's blog is quoted as saying "it was the best...and worst 78 minutes of my life....." Obviously, we are all hoping for a wonderful outcome for Harrison, but don't you know that fear is still there in Avie and her husband? I ask, if you are reading this, to place Avie, her husband and baby Harrison on your heart, your mind and your prayer list. Her last status update on Face book was "Please pray....we can't handle the loss of another baby....."

I hear of situations like Avie's and other people who have trouble conceiving or carrying babies to term and then I think back to the times I have complained about my kids. Wouldn't those women, who cannot get pregnant, do anything to have a "Great Clothing Debate" with their 5 year old daughter. I look at the children in the foster system who made it into this world only to be beaten and abused by those who are supposed to love them most. These are always what brings about "why" questions in my head. I know, as Christians, we are not supposed to ask God "why?" we are supposed to pray and know that he sees the big picture and we only see a snippet. We know that God doesn't like us to be sad and unfortunately, there is tragedy in this world. What I will never understand is why some tragedies are necessary.... why people like Avie and her husband are forced to endure tragedies of this kind and fear like they are experiencing today.

Today I know, more than ever, I am blessed.

I am blessed with a 2 year old who cannot stay out of my bathroom drawers, who I've had to call poison control on 4 separate times, who does not sleep through the night and who is stubborn beyond words - she is a blessing. She loves tractors and motorcycles, guns and her camo hat. She teaches me something every day. She is funny, expressive and her stubborn attributes will serve her well one day later in life.

I am blessed with a 5 year old who has an issue with clothes, who loves to be bossy and pick on her sister and who has no concept of "we only have 5 minutes to get out the door so please hurry". She blesses me with insight into a 5 year old world that I have forgotten about. She blesses me with laughter and hope for our future. I believe with all my heart that one day she will bless our educational system as a wonderful teacher. I will then know that the bossiness is paying off :)

I am blessed with a healthy fetus who is currently at almost 35 weeks gestation. A little boy. He will bring a different atmosphere into this house. I cannot wait to meet him. I cannot wait to see what our future, as a family of 5, holds. I can't wait to see what this new dynamic brings.

We have hopes and dreams for our children. I take those for granted on a daily basis.

Lord, today I not only pray for Avie, Scooter, Harrison and the rest of their families, but I pray that whoever is reading this stops what they are doing and says "thank you". Thank you for allowing me to have 2 healthy children with another one on the way. Thank you for their laughter, their insight, their stubborness and camo hats. Thank you for clothing debates and poison control. Thank you for lipstick smeared kisses and toothpaste smeared mirrors. Thank you for messy play rooms and too much laundry. Thank you for health, happiness and family.

Have you thanked your God today?

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